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The ‘old’

My first own website consisted of three areas: talk, work and person. The areas’ designs were completely independent of each other, except for a small bar at the top that served as a means to switch between the areas. Almost all of the content of that old site have been ported to my current website.

But if you want to know how all looked back than, you can visit the ‘old’ again here.

Why did I ever start to create a web site for myself? Tough question. The main reason probably isn’t that I’m so unbelievably important or that there are so many people who are interested in me but the simple fact that it’s a lot of fun for me to create and optimize this page. And I also have to admit that I simply love websites that have been “handcrafted” with passion and prefer them over every boring social network profile page – that’s why of course I need one myself.

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